Anti Narcotics Club

The New Anti Narcotic Club has been formed in CEC on 11th October 2017 to ensure a drug-free CEC campus. The aim of ‘ Anti-Narcotics Club’ is to ensure a drug free campus, and to spread the antidrug message to the society. Club activities include organizing classes, workshops, campaigns, pamphlet distribution, rally’s etc. against drug abuse, alcoholism. NSS Program Officer in the college is the convener of the club.
Convener :
Mrs.Anisha Mohammed
Assistant Professor in Electronics & Communications
Email: [email protected]
Committee :
HOD, Electronics & Communication Engineering
HOD, Computer Science & Engineering
HOD, Mechanical Engineering
HOD, Electrical & Electronics Engineering
HOD, Applied Science
NSS Program Officers
Staff Secretary
EEE Staff Advisor – First year
EC Staff Advisor- Second Year- A batch
EC Staff Advisor- Third year – B batch
CS Staff Advisor- Fourth year – A batch
Administrative Officer
Junior Superintendent in charge of Academic section
Hostel Warden
Senate Chairman